Christmas Blogs

  • Pretend that you can choose one gift that will be given to every child in the world. What gift to you choose? Why?

 One gift I’d give every children in the world is good health. With that you can live life to the fullest. Not having to worry about diseases and a short life. Without good health, how can children live and survive without worrying about the conditions they have. With good health we can get rid of the life threatening diseases. Every children will live a happy life with full of smiles.

  • Write about your favorite Christmas book or movie.

My favourite Christmas movie is I’ll Be Home for Christmas (1998), It stars Jonathan Taylor Thomas who’s Jake in the movie. Jake was known as a Liar. Jake will not do anything unless he’s given something in return. His step dad offered him a car just for him to get home in time for Christmas Dinner. Along the way he encountered some strangers who changed his view on Christmas. What happened in the end was my favourite part. He realized Christmas wasn’t about the presents but about spending time with the family. Even though he got home in time. He waited for time to pass and just enjoyed the moment with his girlfriend. It was a nice movie. It’s unbelievable how complete strangers can change your view on things.

  • How many Christmas gifts do you think a child your age should get? Why do you think so?

In my opinion, I think a child my age deserves at least one present

Women’s Ideal Body Types

These ideal body types being portrayed went from possible to impossible throughout the years. At first, in the earlier years, the women’s ideal body type was overweight and healthy. Nowadays you have to be impossibly thin, and there you’ll see the big difference in society we have today. More and more people believe in this ideal body, thigh gaps, thin waists, skinny tall bodies. It makes me uncomfortable just seeing how you had to have this ideal body to be considered beautiful or perfect in society. People needs to really put that aside, stop thinking or recognizing other people and focus on ourselves! Self love is key!

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How the Media Affects the Youth

Ever since media took over our society and generation. More and more teens get influenced by how they should look like because of magazine covers and models you would call the ideal female in a perfect world. Teens focused on how they should look like, such as weight and physical features. They put all their skills to the side and gets encouraged to be this perfect ideal body, thin and fit.

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Killing Us Softly

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3 Things That Surprised me

Three things that surprised me was how women are being edited to become this one perfect girl with ideal pictures, making them want to be that ideal girl and goes through phases like starving themselves and pills. It surprises me how men see these and expect the women they’re with to have similar features. Also did you know your skin expires at the age of 15, that’s when it starts aging.

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2 Things That I Agree with

Starving yourself or going on diets is not a solution just because you don’t have the ideal body. We need to learn to love ourselves for what we are. Men needs to stop having expectations to have the perfect body (skinny, tall) for their female partner.

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1 Thing That You’re Still Wondering About

After deaths from this, why are eating disorders still a thing? We need to encourage people to love their bodies for what it is. You can not possibly be as skinny as sticks without consequences. Those modelling agents need to stop telling models what they need to look like or what can’t they look like because it leads to eating disorders.

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Documentary By: Jean Kilbourne

Media in the 21st Century, Part II

How can we accurately interpret the message in media to become smarter consumers?  What power do you have?

I have a power to make my own decisions. Will this really make me happy or better or am I just trying to be the person i’m not? The media wants us to be a person we’re not. People are so judgmental nowadays, it’s sickening. Let the person be themselves and make them feel beautiful, without using pounds and pounds of make-up. So what people have acne or pimples, no big deal, it’s perfectly normal.

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5 Things I Love

  • I love watching the NBA because, you see these basketball players make these really unhuman-like shots from insane distance and then you realize outside of these games they’re all just human too.

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  • I love the winter break because I get a break from school and have family traditions for Christmas to look forward to. My parents cooks up something in the morning or the day before for the whole family to enjoy. While waiting, we watch Christmas movies or listen to Christmas music all snuggled up in a comfortable blanket.

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  • I love watching the NFL, especially teams, Dallas Cowboys and Seattle Seahawks. Even though i’m not very good at the game it’s fun to play as quarterback or wide receiver in a backyard game of football. I was never really into being a Wide Receiver because every time i caught the ball my palms would always hurt. That usually happened when there was a really strong QB.

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  • I love the game Roblox. It’s a fun way to interact with friends outside of school. There’s millions of fun games. One of my top favourites, Restaurant Tycoon. It’s a game where you can build your dream restaurant with your own designs.

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  • I love social medias, like Snapchat and Instagram. It’s a good way to interact with people close to you that are a long distance away from you. You can post pictures family and friends can see and it’s just fun especially, Snapchat because of the face filter feature.

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